Business And Investment



Congratulations.  You have made a decision to start your own business or to buy an existing business.  Or perhaps, you have worked hard and generated enough money to buy an investment.  It is a big step and one that can bring you great satisfaction and reward.  The important thing now is to ensure that you set up the most appropriate, flexible, and tax-effective structure to ensure that your business or investment performs at its best.  Establishing the wrong structure, in the beginning, can create issues for you later, which can be difficult to change without incurring costs and tax liabilities.

There are various types of business and investment structures, with examples as follows:


  • Sole Trader – Individuals trading or holding assets on their own
  • Partnership – A formal association of people or entities running a business together
  • Trust – A legal entity that holds assets on behalf of others
  • Company – A legal entity that is separate from its shareholders


There is no single right structure for everyone as individual circumstances will vary and this will influence the choice of appropriate structure. Some of the considerations are as follows:


  • Holding period
  • Who will receive the income and benefit. Now and into the future
  • Tax implications
  • The level of flexibility required
  • Family considerations and estate planning

Darren Rossen & Associates are your business and investment structure experts. We can advise you on the appropriate legal entity and establish it on your behalf. We can also manage your ongoing regulatory requirements and tax affairs to ensure the best possible return.